The Food, Bad and The Uggly

March 25, 2008 Chef

Balut – a boiled duck embryo from Cambodia

Do you fancy eggs? me to – just prefer to eat them before the embryo inside has a peck an feathers. The people in Cambodia apparently think differently, as a duck-egg-delicacy called balut is a great treat loved by the locals. The trick of preparing balut is to let the the embryo inside the egg to develop until the bird inside is nearly ready to see the daylight. When the embryo inside is right, the egg is boiled and served with a pich of salt on top.

The Cambodian locals enjoy their Balut normally as a night time snack, accompanied with a cold beer.

Source: wikipedia

March 3, 2008 Chef

Vietnamese Duck blood soup is best served fresh

If you are into really disgusting delicacies (which I guess you are, since you are here), then here’s a true treat for you! Vietnamese duck blood spoup is best served fresh. In fact, the soup consista of only raw, uncooked duck blood, which is normally flavoured with ginger and some vegetables. Quick, fresh and supposedly very tasty. Yummy!


March 18, 2007 Chef

Bug eating in Beijing

This video presents people eating all sort of  strange culinary delights you can find from around the streets of Beijing, China.

The finding include such as Scorpions on a stick, duck emryos on a stick, seahorses on a stick, starfish on a stick and pretty much everything else imaginable on a stick.
