The Food, Bad and The Uggly

May 24, 2007 Chef
May 23, 2007 Chef

Extremely fresh octopus sushi

The Japanese people love their octopus tentacle sushi nice and fresh!

I myself have yet even tried eating live oysters. Should try them sometimes though.

May 22, 2007 Chef
May 18, 2007 Chef

A Korean restaurant that specializes in dog meat

Personallý I think, that eating dog meat is really no more unethical than eating pigs for example. However, as we here in the West see dogs as man’s best friend, most people find the habit rather disgusting.

Here’s a video about Korean restaurant in China, which specializes in dishes made from dog meat.

Lassie, NOOOO!

May 4, 2007 Chef
April 7, 2007 Chef

Bug eating party – a party that your friends will never forget!

Bug eating party - A party that your friends will never forget!

Would you like to organize a party that your friends will never forget? If the aswer is yes, you should definitely have a look in to this Bug eating party boardgame. The bug eating party includes everything you need for organizing your own party of eating bugs.

Here’s a quotation from the product description:

“The Really Wild Bug Eating Party
And now for something wildly different…

The Really Wild Bug Eating Party with real edible bugs!!!

Join your tribe, don your bandanna and prepare for the screaming to begin! Who will be the first to face a bug eating challenge? And who will be the ultimate bug eating party winner? Includes everything you need for an outrageous party of bug eating dares.Contains ants, crickets, meal-worms and a scorpion.”

Order yours today from the British Notjustballoons web shop for the price of £18,99 (about 38,- USD)

April 7, 2007 Chef

Subscribe to food insects newsletter

Subscribe to food insects newsletter

Fancy cooking with insects, but don’t know how to?

No worries, there’s help available in the wonderful world of Internet! Florence V. Dunkel, Ph.D. is the editor of the food  insects newsletter. In addition to recipes found from the newsletter homepage, you can also subscribe to a printed version of the newsletter for the reasonable annual price of US$12.00.


March 25, 2007 Chef

A surprice in a herring can

A surprice in a herring can

An unsuspecting Russian guy found this, rather disturbing surprice from a can that was suupposed to contain herrings!

Any ideas, what it could be?


March 18, 2007 Chef

Bug eating in Beijing

This video presents people eating all sort of  strange culinary delights you can find from around the streets of Beijing, China.

The finding include such as Scorpions on a stick, duck emryos on a stick, seahorses on a stick, starfish on a stick and pretty much everything else imaginable on a stick.

March 18, 2007 Chef

How to eat a Triple Whopper like a snake?

A rather funny Burger King commercial showing how a guy eats a Triple whopper burgrger in a very Boa constrictor -fashion.

I am not sure if the commercial hits quite the right spot though. At least my appetite was not aroused…